
Envy and Jealousy

You've heard that you will have a stomachache if your cousin buys land, right? You are not happy with someone close to you if he or she is successful because of envy and jealousy. Are there people around you or your friends who say that you're doing well, and that you're not that great, rather than sarcastic or complimenting you'really? In my case, when I see people like that, I don't get in touch with them ever since. It's because living with such people for a long time is more harmful than beneficial to me. Moreover, there are a lot of people who want others to fail rather than wish others success, and there are a lot of people who live in a sense of superiority that they are better than others.

Why do envy and jealousy arise? Usually, people who think successful people are similar to them are popular all of a sudden, but people who are jealousy often happen to be in the same place. Even so, if you are really a friend and think of yourself, they congratulate you and rejoice together rather than envy you. Also, there are people who are jealous when they see what goes well with everyone else. That's why there are people on the Internet who compliment and celebrate when someone says it's good, while there are people who are busy posting malicious comments and cutting it down. When I see people like that, I feel pathetic and sometimes I don't understand why they waste their time.

I think blessings come and go depending on how much you give and how much you have in mind. If a person is happy as if he or she is doing well, he or she will be happy as if he or she is successful and if he or she is not, the relationship with him would have ended before.


Success and Failure

I've been told many times to see who stays with you when you fail to distinguish between true friends. When we succeeded, people who didn't contact us once called us to buy food, people who asked for help, and so on. There are people who call us if they've had a brief relationship. On the other hand, if you fail, people around you will not be able to contact you often or avoid you. So when people fail, they often say that the person who stays with them until the end is a true friend. But I understand that it's better to stop seeing each other if you think that someone who fails is a disaster and there's no hope in the future.   

Man leaves alone when he dies..

That's what I said earlier. Man leaves alone when he dies. It's sad to hear this, but it's more sad because it's true. There are many situations in which I feel skeptical about human relationships, but as I said above, I think it's because we feel sad about each other in the process of success and failure in our lives. There are people who like to have a lot of people around them, and there are people who live with the thought that only a few really close people are needed. I think it's because people who think like the latter feel tired in their relationships.  

What do you think? 

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