The Way to Obtain EIN immediately for Free



Employer Identification Number


Among the self-employed and business owners who are currently in business, there are times when they need a U.S. TIN when they do business with the U.S.

TIN is..   

TIN is an abbreviation for the Taxpayer Identification Number, which may require a U.S. TIN for those who need to complete the 1042-S form.

1042-S Form


TINs are usually required to apply lower tax rates through the Tax Treaty than the typical 30% tax rate, which is SSN (Social Security Administration) issued by Social Security Administration (SSA), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) issued by IRS, and EIN (Education Number) issued by IRS.

Today, I'll show you how to get EIN if you are running a foreign corporation outside of the U.S. If you want to get it for free, I'll give you a tip on how to get it right away. However, you should be able to speak English because you have to talk to an IRS employee in the U.S.

The Way to Obtain EIN for Free

1. Understand the basic contents of the SS-4 form.

To issue the EIN, the IRS staff asks several personal questions, checks the contents of the SS-4 form, and the EIN will be issued.

In other words, based on the above, the IRS staff will ask one by one, write it, issue the EIN, and let you know the EIN number right away on the phone.

2. Call IRS at 001-1-267-941-1099

Now, let's officially call and get EIN. First of all, I have to know when to call to get it from the U.S. because of the time difference.

Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri, 7am-10pm, Eastern Standard Time.

The staff is very kind. When I first talk on the phone, I was asked if I am Third Party Designee or Responsible Person, and if I have a personal SSN. They check my personal information and continue to ask questions about SS-4. After all the questions are over, check whether they wrote down the company name and address correctly, and let me know again if the spelling is correct. Then, they immediately let me know over the phone that the EIN has been issued along with the EIN #. You can use the EIN right away. The world can't be that fast. And they say I will receive the letter related to EIN within 2 to 4 weeks. If you speak English fluently, you will be able to get an EIN easily.

We need to know for sure and prepare thoroughly....

You don't have to know the above if you will use a third party company to get EIN #. But if you're in the early stages of the business and want to cut costs as much as possible, you have to do it yourself, right? It's a very difficult time around the world, and I hope the above information will be beneficial for many self-employed/business owners.

That's all for today.





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