Tax Return


There are companies that manage year-end tax return when people get a job in a foreign country, but in the United States, they sometimes have to do it themselves. Having your first job in the U.S. as an international student or a foreigner has a lot of things to do on your own for a while. One of them is tax filing. In the United States, the tax reporting deadline is usually April 15th every year. Until then, when the data is sent to report taxes on the interest received from the bank, your earned income, etc., you have to do the tax report on that you have to report taxes on that basis. There are many ways to do tax filing. Either do it on your own or have a tax professional do it. People who pay for tax reports won't read this post. People who want to save money may read this post. I'll introduce how to file taxes for free. However, if you earn money from various investment sources such as stocks, real estate, etc., you can save taxes and get more tax returns by spending a little money and have a tax professional do it for you.


There are many free tax filing software in the United States. One of the most famous ones is TurboTax.

Not everything is free, and you'll have to pay for a complex tax filing, but if you don't, using TurboTax is really easy, simple and it is free.

First, if you are using TurboTax for the first time, click Create an account.


Then fill out the information above, click Create Account and create an account. Then, start the Tax filing and answer the questions in the software, and the tax report ends. At the end of the tax filing process, you will know whether you will get tax return or not. 

You need to know for sure and prepare thoroughly...

When you get a job as an international student and do the tax filing for the first time, you will gather different information. Moreover, it costs a lot of money to live in the U.S., so you want to do it as little as possible or free of charge. It's not all good just because it's free. Since it's free, the function is limited. Most of the times when you get a job as an international student, the source of income is simple, so it will be enough for a free function, but if you settle down in the U.S. and your income comes in a variety of ways, I recommend you pay and leave it to an expert.

That's all for today.

The above information can be changed at any time, so please consult with an expert one more time.


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